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Comments and Complaints

How to comment or complain about our services

At St John’s Hospice we are committed to giving excellent care to patients and families. However, sometimes we don’t get it right. We improve our services by listening to and learning from your comments, complaints as well as positive feedback. Please talk to any of our staff at any time about any issues you may have. Comment and suggestion boxes are also located in Reception, the Inpatient Ward and the Oak Centre.

Any patient, carer, friend or family member who wants to know more about our Service User Group - VOICE (Valued Opinions to Improve Care Excellence) -  information is available on our website:

How to make a formal complaint

You can complain by talking to any member of staff. You can also write a letter or note and hand it to a member of staff, or send it to the Chief Executive.
You can get details of the Complaints Procedure from any member of staff - just ask. The main points we want to share with you are:
A Senior Manager will write to confirm that we have received your complaint.
St John’s Hospice undertakes to investigate and resolve all complaints within 20 working days. The investigation will be carried out by a Manager, who will then reply to you.
If a resolution cannot be made within 20 working days, we will write to you explaining progress to date; why there is a delay and the anticipated time scale.
The Senior Management Team reviews complaints. It will examine how we do things and, if we need to, make changes.

You can write to:

Sue McGraw (Chief Executive), St John’s Hospice, Slyne Road, Lancaster, LA2 6ST
or email: [email protected]

Getting help to complain

Many people are not well enough to make a complaint or may feel unsure what to expect. Please feel free to bring a friend or relative with you to talk about the complaint or ask them to help you write your letter or email.

Dissatisfied with our response?

We hope an investigation will give you a full answer. If not, you can write to the Chief Executive again. They will assess the handling of the complaint and write to you to explain any action to be taken as a result.

If the response is not satisfactory, please write to:

The Chair of Trustees,
St John’s Hospice, Slyne Road, Lancaster, LA2 6ST

Taking it further

If you are still dissatisfied, you can contact the Care Quality Commission.

Visit for full details on contacting the CQC.
Telephone: 03000 616161
[email protected]

