Meet Vic and Pat who are firm fans of Day Therapies, including Complementary Therapy.
Vic has a life limiting lung condition and his St John’s Clinical Nurse Specialist, Jill, was supporting Vic and his wife Pat at home. She encouraged Vic to come to St John’s for help from the popular FAB programme to manage his Fatigue, Anxiety and Breathlessness.
Jill also noticed that Vic was struggling to relax, so arranged for the St John’s Complementary Therapist to visit him at home to provide treatment. Although complementary therapy was new to Vic, he soon became aware of the significant benefits it can bring and told us more,
“When Hannah, one of the St John’s Complementary Therapists visited me at home I was unsure if such a therapy would make any difference, now I know it does and look forward to it! I now have massages at St John’s Hospice. The massage eases the stress and tension that the illness brings. After therapy I feel calmer, relaxed and less anxious. It means I can have a ‘good day’ and actually ‘feel good’, physically and mentally for a time. To be able to switch off from the real world for an hour feels like a treat. The complementary therapy goes hand in hand with the support I have had from the Hospice’s FAB group and Positive Living Group. The support I get puts things into perspective and has given me tips on the relatively simple things I can do to make a positive difference.
“My wife Pat has also had a few sessions of complementary therapy here at St John’s too, which I am really grateful for. Some people underestimate the role of a family carer, until it happens to you. Pat has to care for me 24/7, deal with all my problems and keep on top of everything – it’s like every day there’s something new to learn. For Pat to have a complete hour to herself and focus on herself instead of my illness is important for both of us.
“Thanks to Hannah and her complementary therapy I can be ‘me’ for an hour and so can Pat. It means a lot because I don’t want to be ‘a medical illness’ all the time – I want to be myself. Thank you Hannah, Pat and I think you’re a wonder!”